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World Suicide Prevention Day #WSPD

Saturday, 10th September was World Suicide Prevention Day. #WSPD is an annual campaign that falls on the same date every year, aiming to raise awareness of suicide statistics, and create a world where less people die from suicide.

Following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, our social media and website platforms took part in the state of National Mourning. We are passionate about the need for #WSPD, as a mental health charity. Therefore, we would like to re-open our platforms with a powerful video, created by County Durham Wellbeing for Life Service (WBFL). We're using this opportunity to make everyday #WorldSuicidePreventionDay

The Wellbeing for Life team visited different spots in and around Durham to create a video raising awareness about suicide and suicidal thoughts. The aim of the video was to match the theme of this years #WSPD, 'creating hope through action'.

We invite you to watch this video, to discover the immense effect a small gesture of kindness can have on a person. People often say they're fine when they're not. You could be catching someone on their worst day, or a day they want to be their final one.

Take the time to speak to your friends, family, even a stranger who looks down - you could save a life today.

Thank you to Wellbeing for Life for creating this video. We look forward to working with the County Durham service in the future. For more information about WBFL, please visit their website.

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