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What's On this #WorldMentalHealthDay

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This years theme for World Mental Health Day is 'Mental Heath in an unequal World' and here are some ways in which you can get involved: 


Or Hub of Positivity website includes lots of ways you can get involved in #WMHD2021:

  • Take part in our Art campaign.

  • Download FREE resources

  • Find out about activities and events that you can get involved in

  • Take part in social media challenges

  • Sign up to free training to become an Anti-Stigma Ambassador. Learn how to start conversations about mental health and help challenge stigma and discrimination.

#HelloYellow Campaign

Get creative - art challenge

Send us your videos!

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Free Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (Education Settings)


Are you the mental health lead or responsible for wellbeing in your school or educational setting? Do you need support to boost wellbeing for children, young people and staff?

We have an exciting opportunity to support you around developing mental health and emotional wellbeing. The Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA) training is an accredited qualification and a great opportunity to increase your knowledge and awareness of a range of mental health issues related to children and young people.
The course is free with one place available per education setting in County Durham and there is also a support payment available to your education setting to enable you to attend this. You can express your interest in attending through this link
The course will be delivered virtually with four sessions across two weeks (2½ hours per session) with dates available from October 2021 until March 2022. All morning sessions will run from 9:30am – 12pm and all afternoon sessions will run from 2pm – 4:30pm. For more information about the course, accessibility requirements and any questions please contact


The Recovery College Online have launched a brand new course for young people (13-18 years) called “Thinking about Thinking”. The course explores the topic of ‘thinking’, looking at how we think, worry and about 'unhelpful' thoughts. It looks at the different types of unhelpful thoughts people can experience as well as ways that these can be managed.
If you’d like to take a look at the course, head to the Recover College e-learning site, log in and click the View Courses tab at the top of the page; you’ll find “Thinking about Thinking” within the ‘For Children and Young People’ section.
You can now also access the courses from the main website much easier than before. Click on the following link to the Courses and from here you can filter your search to explore what we have on offer.

Support for Education staff, Children and families and Adult's

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